falls_river_current_vegetation_trees_bushes_shadow_stones_roots_streams_61491_1920x1080We warmly welcome anyone and everyone to attend our various worship services, ministries, and programs. Anyone who desires may join our Living Waters family and be added to our parish list by providing their name and contact information.

However, according to our church by-laws, anyone who wishes to become a Voting Member of Living Waters Anglican Fellowship (i.e. is eligible to vote at congregational meetings and to serve on Parish Council) may do so by completing an application for Voting Membership and signing that he or she:

  • has a credible testimony of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
  • is at least 16 years of age
  • has received Christian baptism
  • affirms the basic beliefs and theological stand of the parish commits to participating in the life of the parish by sharing their time, talents, and treasures, as the Lord guides  and permits

If you have any questions about membership at Living Waters, or what we believe, please read our Statement of  Identity & Purpose here, or speak to the Rector or one of the Wardens.

An application for Voting Membership is available here