“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
(Ephesians 2:10)

Art has played a central role in the development of human history. It is a commentary on, and window into, society–the place where history, religion, science, psychology, politics, ethics, and culture converge. Art has an intrinsic ability to elevate the common place–it lifts the viewer beyond the confines of reality and into another world. It brings beauty, inspiration, and light into our world; and allows for the expression of truth and beliefs–triggering our emotions; challenging our presuppositions; and affirming our faith. Art has the ability to transport us to to a different time and place and to gain historical perspective and understanding. It immortalizes people, places, and events, creating a visual record of life. Art communicates across cultures, tells the stories of the past and present, and inspires minds–both young and old.

There are two types of artwork: prints, which are massed produced on a large scale, all identical and of limited value. And masterpieces–one of kind works of art that take months for the artist to complete and are often priceless. Scripture is very clear that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and that God specifically shaped each one of us. The above passage from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians tell us that we’re not cheap copies; knock-offs; or mass-produced, but rather masterpieces–God’s best work. Each of us is unique–individually created and loved by God. And as a result, we are of infinite value and worth. In fact, we’re so valuable, that Jesus choose to die for us–that’s how much we’re worth!

However, like all masterpieces, we too can become damaged do to exposure to the world–we too can loose our luster and vibrancy, and become dull, washed out, and dirty. And as such, we are continually in need of restoration. This 6-part series will look at how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, restoring, cleaning, and repairing us from the inside out–in order to preserve and enhance God’s original intent for us.


Sermon:  Restoring the Masterpiece: Anger

Preacher:  The Rev. Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, January 27, 2019

Scripture:  Matthew 5:21-26

Handout:  Part 1.HO

Sermon: Restoring the Masterpiece: Fear

Preacher:  The Rev. Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, February 3, 2019

Scripture:  Mark 6:45-62

Handout:  Part2.HO

Sermon: Restoring the Masterpiece: Shame

Preacher:  The Rev. Christopher Doering

Date: Sunday, February 17, 2019

Scripture:  John 4:4-30

Handout:  Part3.HO

Sermon:  Restoring the Masterpiece: Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want To Do?

Preacher:  The Rev. Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, February 24, 2019

Reading:  Romans 7:14-25

Handout:  Part4.HO

Sermon:   Restoring the Masterpiece: Unworthiness

Preacher:  The Rev. Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, March 3, 2019

Scripture:  Luke 19:1-10

Handout: Part5.HO